Section 1: Introduction
Ch 1: The Purpose of This Book, Who Should Read it, and How to Use it
This chapter is mainly an introduction for the book, discussing that it serves as an overview of ...
Ch 2: Advantages and Limitations of Time- and Time-Frequency-Domain Analysis
This chapter discusses the different categories of analysis and their pros/cons, some discussion...
Ch 3: Interpreting and Asking Questions about Time-Frequency Results
This chapter discusses what kinds of inferences we can pull from EEG signal uses time-frequency a...
Ch 4: Introduction to Matlab Programming
This chapter gives basic programming advice. It may be worth a deeper look if you are very new to...
Ch 5: Introduction to the Physiological Bases of EEG
This chapter discusses the mechanisms to how neuronal activities end up as signal data recorded b...
Ch 6: Practicalities of EEG Measurement and Experiment Design
This chapter goes over some more practical advice when designing an experiment that will use EEG ...