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Ch 11: The Discrete Time Fourier Transform, the FFT, and the Convolution Theorem

This chapter directly expands on the previous by talking about how the Fourier Transform works and what it is used for, as well as the Convolution Theorem and its implications 


11.2 Finding Waves in EEG Data with the Fourier Transform


11.3 Th Discrete Time Fourier Transform


11.4 Visualizing the Results of a Fourier Transform


11.5 Complex Results and Negative Frequencies


11.6 Inverse Fourier Transform


11.7 The Fast Fourier Transform


11.8 Stationarity and the Fourier Transform


11.9 Extracting More or Fewer Frequencies than Data Points


11.10 The Convolution Theorem


11.11 Tips for Performing FFT-Based Convolution in Matlab