The following are terms to know in alphabetical order (not in an order that you should learn these concepts)
Coordinate System
A non-vector, as in does not specify a direction. At most can only define a magnitude.
Scalar Multiplication with a Vector
Takes a scalar and a vector, and outputs a vector with the same number of dimensions. Commutative,
Geometric: Scales the magnitude of a vector without changing the direction (except in the case of negative scalars where the direction reverses)
Numeric: Multiply each element of a vector with the scalar to get an output,
Geometric: A direction in space, where the numbers are the translation to go from the tail end of the vector to the head.
Numeric: An ordered set of numbers.
Vector Addition
Takes 2 vectors and outputs a vector.. Commutative. Both input vectors must have the same number of dimensions, Output vector will have the same number of dimensions.
Geometric: The result of following the motion of both input vectors, one after another
Numeric: Add like terms of the input to get the output.